Helpsheets - SORP
Charities SORP
Application guidance for charity accounting
Information sheets and help sheets
Information sheets
Information sheets are intended to advise preparers on the suggested solutions to implementation issues from applying charities SORP (FRS 102). Information sheets are the authoritative view of the SORP-making body and its advisory SORP Committee but they do not form part of the SORP and so there is no obligation to follow them.
Information Sheet 1: suggested solutions for implementation issues: PDF | Microsoft Word
Information Sheet 2: Accounting for gift aid payments made by a subsidiary to its parent charity where no legal obligation to make the payment exists: PDF | Microsoft Word
Information sheet 3: The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018 and UK Company Charities: PDF | Microsoft Word
Information sheet 4: Amendments to FRS 102 The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland – Multi-employer defined benefit plans: PDF | Microsoft Word
Information sheet 5: The Companies (Directors’ Report) and Limited Liability Partnerships (Energy and Carbon Report) Regulations 2018-UK, as applied to Charitable Companies (reissued September 2020): PDF | Microsoft Word
Information sheet 6: Irish Charities - Merger Accounting and Republic of Ireland Company Law:PDF | Microsoft Word
Help sheets
Help sheets give preparers of charity accounts further information about the changes introduced by the new SORPs. These guides are not part either SORP.
Help sheet 1: Mapping SORP 2005 into the Charities SORP (FRS 102)
This help sheet maps each paragraph of SORP 2005 to the relevant paragraph(s) of the FRS 102 SORP and explains when any particular requirements of the current SORP have not been included in the new FRS 102 SORP.
Help sheet 2: What are the major changes between SORP 2005 and the Charities SORP (FRS 102)?
This help sheet sets out the more significant changes resulting from the new FRS 102 SORP when compared to SORP 2005.
Help sheet 3: The Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018 and UK Company Charities
This help sheet, taking each module in turn compares the FRSSE SORP and FRS 102 SORP and identifies the significant differences in formats, accounting policies and disclosures between the two SORPs.
Help sheet 4: FRS 102 SORP bulletins and changes to UK-Irish GAAP
This help sheet explains how changes to FRS 102 since 2015 require preparers of charity accounts to refer to one or more Update Bulletins, depending upon the starting date of the reporting period (financial year).
Resources about the SORP and SORP-making process
To assist SORP Committee members, engagement partners, practitioners and those interested in the SORP, the SORP-making body is pleased to publish two of three documents with an accompanying explanatory text. The aim is to assist readers to better understand the SORP and the SORP-making process.
- Introduction to charity reporting using the SORP
- Introduction to charity reporting using the SORP explanatory text
- The Charities SORP - its standing in law and accounting standards
- The Charities SORP - its standing in law and accounting standards explanatory text
Reproduced with the kind permission of the FRC, SEN 13 sets out the transitional procedures for first time users of FRS 102.