Charities SORP

Application guidance for charity accounting

SORP COMMITTEE AGENDA - 17 November 2020

Meeting via Microsoft Teams

The joint meeting of the SORP committee and SORP engagement strand convenors starts at 1.30pm and ends at 3.30pm.

Agenda Items:

1. Welcome from Nigel Davies, Laura Anderson and Damian Sands, Joint Chairs of the Charities SORP Committee

Apologies for absence and declarations of interest
1.30 to 1.40
2. Presentation of the SORP engagement strands: (Powerpoint presentation and supporting PAPER 1) 1.40 to 1.55
3. Reflections from the SORP engagement strand convenors 1.55 to 2.30
4. Discussion including Committee feedback on their reflections from the research presentations at meetings on 22 October, 9 and 13 November 2.30 to 3.25
5. Concluding comment from the chairs and future Committee meetings:
  • December date to be advised for SORP Committee meeting
  • Consideration of minutes for meetings on 9 and 13 November to be taken in correspondence
3.25 to 3.30