Charities SORP

Application guidance for charity accounting

SORP COMMITTEE AGENDA - 14 December 2020

Meeting via Microsoft Teams

The meeting of the SORP committee starts at 10.00am and ends at 11.30am.

Agenda Items:

1. Welcome from Nigel Davies, Laura Anderson and Damian Sands, Joint Chairs of the Charities SORP Committee

Apologies for absence and declarations of interest
10.00 to 10.05
2. Draft Annual Review - report to FRC - CIPFA (PAPER 1) - to note with comments by correspondence 10.05 to 10.15
3. Recap on joint meeting (PAPER 2) and research presentations (PAPER 3) - Chair 10.15 to 10.20
4. Committee members - member top three conclusions/ topics from the exploration stage to inform the reflection stage (all members) 10.20 to 11.15
5. Summary discussion of the exploration stage outcomes 11.15 to 11.25
6. Concluding comment from the chairs and future Committee next meeting:
  • Two meetings to be in February - one to focus on the user of the SORP and the other the user of the report and accounts (to settle the topics of the reflection stage)
  • Before Easter to have a joint SORP Committee: Convenor meeting (to begin the reflection stage)
11.25 to 11.30

Please note that this meeting provides a key opportunity for Committee members to share their top three conclusions or topics from the recent R&D meetings and the joint meeting with the engagement convenors. Each member will be invited to briefly share these at agenda item 4 so please come along ready to do so.